Donate Test
Support ARC
Like many nonprofits, ARC needs your support to help get us through the challenges we are facing due to COVID-19. We at ARC know that COVID has affected some households more than others, so please consider what YOU personally are able to contribute to keeping ARC healthy and operating. Supporting ARC enables the club to continue our programs and services for members, as well as myriad programs for the public and community outreach programs.
You can give a one-time or recurring monthly gift. Recurring gifts are automatically charged to your debit/credit card or Paypal account each month, and you will receive an emailed confirmation with each donation. Click the donate button above to get started.
Other ways to Give
Write a Check
Make your check out to Austin Rowing Club. Mail Checks to: Austin Rowing Club, 74 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78701
Corporate Giving / Matching Donations
Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program for donations you make to nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations. They will typically have a written form or a portal where you submit your donation information and matching request. Benevity: if your employer uses the Benevity portal, you can use this to donate to ARC.
Leave a Legacy Gift
Be an integral part of our future by including a charitable gift to Austin Rowing Club in your will or estate plan. Your gift ensures that Austin Rowing Club’s programming will be available to rowers in the future. Now that’s quite a legacy! Contact to set up a legacy gift.
Give Stock
Providing ARC with stock options give you the chance to take advantage of tax benefits while ensuring we can continue to provide excellent programs and services to our club. Contact to give a gift of stock.
Why Give to ARC?
ARC continues to provide novice and competitive rowing activities for both junior and masters rowers for the city of Austin. Including the running of the Texas State Rowing Championship, the Heart of Texas Regatta and the Head of the Colorado head race each year.
We also continue to serve our city no-cost rowing instruction through several outreach programs. We have:
- Introduced thousands of school age children to rowing each year.
- Worked weekly with intellectually challenged adults from all over the city.
- Offer youth rowing five days a week during the summer.
- Been in the process of developing school day and adaptive rowing programs.
- Through our energy and generosity, raised money for other non-profits including Breast Cancer Research and Food In Tummies (FIT).
Donating to ARC services our community
ARC also interacts with a variety of different groups via our outreach program including,
- Veterans
- Breast Cancer Survivors
- At-Risk Youths
- Under-served Communities
- Paralympic Athletes
- Adults with intellectual disabilities
For information on how to donate contact