Learn to Row

Ready to try rowing? Austin Rowing Club is the place to be!

There are two types of rowing, sweep and sculling. Sweep rowing is where each rower has one oar. Sweep boats range in size and include, two, four, and eight person boats. Some boats will have a coxswain who is in charge of steering and directing rowers. Sculling is when each rower has two oars (one in each hand). Those boats, or sculls, are for one, two, or four people. You can learn more about rowing and the different types of shells in this video.

 Following the completion of either a Learn to Scull class, private lesson course, or Intro to Rowing + novice sweeps, you should be at or close to a Level 1 rower.  After your course, you are invited to then become an ARC member. This means access to general coaching, boat reservations, facilities access, rowing with club crews, and more! 

Learn to Scull Class

This course will introduce you to sculling (rowing with two oars) in a single. Our class consists of 4 – ninety (90) minute sessions over a two-week timeframe. You will learn how to stay safe on the water, general information about rowing, the basics of the rowing stroke, and how to handle rowing equipment. Participants learn to row in our modern fleet of boats and all equipment is provided. ARC has a professional coaching staff that will teach you the basics of rowing so you can feel confident on the water. From the dock to the lake, our instructors are with you every step of the way. After completing the Learn to Row class, you will be able to join the Austin Rowing Club and start rowing as a level 1 rower!

Attendance at all sessions is very important and 100% attendance is required to become a level 1 rower. Austin Rowing Club does NOT provide refunds for any reason.

Program cost: $230 

Note : Courses are currently limited to 4 rowers.

Learn to scull

Intro to Rowing Sweep Class

Join us for an introductory course on learning how to row! This course will introduce you to sweep rowing (rowing with one oar). During these three, 2-hour lessons, you will learn the basic rowing stroke, how to row with a team, oar handling, and an introduction to rowing equipment.  You will start in a training barge that provides the most stable environment for you to learn.  This is just the beginning of your rowing experience.  

Program cost: $140

Open Enrollment 

This class is a prerequisite for the 8-week Novice Masters Program . See Novice Sweep Training below.



Link not working? Make sure you are accessing on a laptop computer and try opening in a different browser. Email rowing@austinrowing.org  if you have difficulties signing up. 

Private Lesson

The Austin Rowing Club offers private lessons for anyone who is interested in learning to scull or improving their current sculling skills. Our private lessons are available for 1 or 2 people in both single lessons or a three lesson package. We can accommodate almost any interest level and would love to teach you about rowing! Private lessons are booked based on matching your availability with coaching availability.

Just like a Learn to Scull class, a package of 3 – ninety (90) minute private lessons will get you ready to become a member of the Austin Rowing Club and start rowing on your own! You will learn how to stay safe on the water, general information about rowing, the basics of the rowing stroke, and how to handle rowing equipment. You will have access to our modern fleet of boats and all equipment is provided. ARC’s professional coaching staff will get to know your goals and work towards them over the course of the three lessons.

Program cost: $325 for 3 ninety (90) minute sessions

To get started, book your private lesson(s) below!

If you are unsure of what lesson you want to do, please reach out to rowing@austinrowing.org and indicate that you would like know more about your options based on your interest and experience.

Novice Sweep Training Program
Once you have completed the Intro to Rowing Class (or with coaches approval), you can continue building your rowing foundation through 2x-a-week practice.  Rowing is a great sport, but it takes time to learn the stroke and application well – attending practice 2x a week over three months will help you gain the skill and set your technical foundation.  Setting this critical foundation of skill will set you up for years of rowing.  The team is critical to sweep rowing so your attendance at each practice is expected.  We understand that life happens, but when you are absent from practice your team suffers.  When you sign up, please plan on attending the vast majority of practices.

8-week program: Dates TBD

Practice Times:

Program cost $275 for non-members. Please contact the ARC office for registration, rowing@austinrowing.org.

Where to Park

The Austin Rowing Club does not have parking on site. There are various parking options nearby:

    • Convention Center Parking Garage (201 East 2nd St – with entrances on Brazos St and San Jacinto)
    • Metered parking along downtown streets

What You’ll Need to Bring

    • Comfortable but tight fitting clothing (cycling shorts or long leggings and athletic tops)
    • Loose fitting or baggy clothes may get tangled or caught in rowing equipment
    • Wear or bring socks (all boats will have shoes or foot straps in them already)
    • We recommend wearing tennis shoes and taking them off before rowing
    • In warm and sunny weather, we recommend suncreen, hats, visors, and/or sunglasses
    • In cold weather, wear multiple layers and bring a change of clothes
    • Bring a non-breakable water bottle (you can refill it at the boat house)
    • We also have locker rooms for changing before or after your lesson/class if needed

With any questions, please reach out to our Member Services Manager at rowing@austinrowing.org.